27th SPAR Budapest International Marathon 2012
The next 26th SPAR Budapest International Marathon will be organised on 7 October 2012.
7 October – SPAR Budapest Marathon for the 27th time in
Run an AIMS certified marathon in Budapest, in the
capital of Hungary!
Distances: 42 km,
unique 30 km, relay for 3 or 5 runners, minimarathon
(7,5 km), fun run (3,5 km).
Overall more than 13 000 runners on the race day!
More than 3000 runners only on the marathon distance!
About half of our marathon runners come from abroad,
from more than 50 countries; this is a real
international event!
Budapest Marathon photos 2011
Budapest Marathon Course
A middle sized marathon catering for individual needs!
The course is not overcrowded but you will not feel
alone on the route.
A scenic course leads through the most beautiful parts
of Budapest, past buildings which are part of the World
Marathon Training
25th Anniversary SPAR Budapest International Marathon 2010
25th anniversary SPAR Budapest International Marathon which will be held on 26 September 2010.
Register to the 25th Anniversary Spar Budapest International Marathon and bring a friend, a relative, a running partner for FREE to one of the following distances:
- Minimarathon (7,5 km)
- Fun Run (3,5 km)
Pasta party
The Pasta Party is held on Saturday, 25 September 2010 from 14:00 pm to 17:30 pm, for which we provide tickets to all individual marathon and 30km runners and relay/ekiden marathon runners so everybody can load their muscles before the race. You get your ticket when you obtain your start number. Friends and relatives are also welcome to attend the party, the price of the ticket for them is 4 €/person or 800 HUF/person. Tickets can be bought at the race centre or in front of the Pasta Party tent.
Pasta Party will be held on 56-osok tere (next to Heroes' Square).
Budapest Marathon Start
Start gate will be set up on Heroes' Square (hungarian: Hősök tere) for all distances. Starting times (times are subject to change!):
- 10.00 - Marathon and Marathon Relay/Ekiden start
- 10.15 - Minimarathon start
- 10.50 - Fun Run start
- approx. from 10.30 - 30 km start according to the runners personal speed. Start at 12 195 meters of the marathon course.
The Heroes' Square is located about 1000 meters from the race centre. The start area will be divided separately according to planned race times. Runners must position themselves in the appropriate section. Sections of race time: -3:00, 3:00-3:30, 3:30-4:00, 4:00-4:30, 4:30-5:00 and 5:00+. Please start from the right section!
Budapest Marathon images 2010
Spar Budapest Maraton photos 1
Spar Budapest Maraton runners photos 2
Spar Budapest Maraton photos 3
Budapest Marathon Hungary photos 4
Budapest Marathon Hungary photos 5
Budapest Marton running photos 6
Marathon time limits
The marathon course time limit is 5 hours and 30 minutes. The race will be followed by the closing bus which runners can get up on if they suffer an injury or are forced to give up. The closed roads will be opened after the time limit elapses, for this reason those who are caught up by the closing bus must get up on it. Runners who give up or suffer an injury will be transported back to the race centre by the bus. Please return your chip on the bus should this be the case. It is forbidden to keep running once the bus passes you because roads will be opened to traffic after the time limit. Part time limits: 10K: 1h 18m, 20K: 2h 36m, 30K: 3h 55m, 40K: 5h 13m
Budapest Marathon Entry fees
Amount is determined by the date of payment!
Deadline | Entry fee |
till 8 August 2010 | 55 € |
till 19 September 2010 | 65 € |
till 26 September 2010 | 80 € |
Run 30 km
Deadline | Entry fee |
till 8 August 2010 | 35 € |
till 19 September 2010 | 50 € |
till 26 September 2010 | 55 € |
Marathon Relay for 3 runners
Deadline | Entry fee |
till 8 August 2010 | 90 € |
till 19 September 2010 | 110 € |
till 26 September 2010 | 120 € |
Marathon Ekiden for 5 runners
Deadline | Entry fee |
till 8 August 2010 | 120 € |
till 19 September 2010 | 130 € |
till 26 September 2010 | 140 € |
Mini Marathon
Deadline | Entry fee |
till 8 August 2010 | 15 € |
till 19 September 2010 | 17 € |
till 26 September 2010 | 17 € |
Fun Run km
Deadline | Entry fee |
till 8 August 2010 | 8 € |
till 19 September 2010 | 10 € |
till 26 September 2010 | 15 € |
Breakfast Run
Deadline | Entry fee |
till 8 August 2010 | 10 € |
till 19 September 2010 | 10 € |
till 26 September 2010 | 16 € |
In case you have already taken part in one of our races, please contact us at budapest.run@futanet.hu for a discount entry fee.
Budapest Marathon photos 2010

Spar Budapest Maraton képek 1.
Breakfast Run 2010
Breakfast Run before the Marathon
Marathon Breakfast Run
24th Budapest International Marathon
Budapest Marathon photos 2009
24th Spar Budapest Marathon photos
Budapest Marathon
24th Spar Budapest Marathon
Spar Budapest Marathon Heroes' Square
24th Spar Budapest Marathon, Budapest Heroes Square
Spar Budapest Marathon last kilometer
24th Spar Budapest Marathon race report - 2009
More than 3000 marathon runners stood at the start line of the 24th SPAR Budapest International Marathon last Sunday. Overall 13 300 participants ran in the different distances, including 500 marathon relay and ekiden runners.
The shorter distances were very popular amongst families and less experienced runners.
More than 2000 runners came from abroad, from 55 different countries. The majority of the runners came from France, Great Britain, Finland, Germany and Italy, but there were some participants from far away places like Columbia, Japan, Thailand, Argentina or South Africa.
The course of the race led through the most beautiful parts of the Hungarian capital, the runners had the chance to run across the Heroes' Square, through the very famous Andrássy Street, past the Buda Castle and the magnificent building of the Hungarian Parliament. While running, they could admire the breath-taking view of the city from the Chain Bridge.
Moses Chepkwony won the marathon in a tight race.
As the whole world will celebrate the 2500th anniversary of the legend of the marathon next year, Budapest Marathon Office will organise its 25th anniversary marathon.
Celebrate with us!
25th Anniversary SPAR Budapest Marathon - 26 September 2010
Results of the 24th SPAR Budapest International Marathon:
- Moses Chepkwony, Kenya, 2:25:16
- Biri Ferenc, Hungary, 2:25:25
- Tóth Tamás, Hungary, 2:26:17
- Szederkényi-Takács Andrea, Hungary, 2:44:32
- Földingné Nagy Judit, Hungary, 2:46:51
- Bátai Réka, Hungary, 2:51:34
30 km
- Várbíró Attila, Hungary, 1:51:52
- Ostoróczki Ferenc, Hungary, 1:53:58
- Ilisz Pál, Hungary, 1:55:54
- Lisa Borsani, Italy, 2:10:19
- Moira Campagnaro, Italy, 2:12:34
- Geertruida Steur, The Netherlands, 2:18:08
24th Spar Budapest International Marathon
Budapest Mararhon Race 2009
Budapest Marathon - since 1984. More than 3000 runners in single and almost 1500 others in teams of 3 and 5 start on the marathon distance of the Budapest Marathon. Another 6000 runners are running the various distances of the minimarathon, fun run and the family run.
The race will be hosting more than
10 000 runners from 43 countries, 1200 of them running the marathon.
Plus Budapest International Marathon photos
Spar Budapest Marathon course map
2009 Budapest Marathon map:
Budapest Marathon course
The course is approved by the AIMS. It is flat for most parts, the only difference in levels are the driveways leading up and down from the bridges. The course guides the runners through the most beautiful parts of the city, next to the most famous buildings and even some attractions that are part of the World Heritage, and across our greatest bridges.
Hősök tere (Heroes' Square) - Andrássy út - Bajcsy Zs. Út - Báthory utca - Nádor utca - József Nádor tér - Szende P. utca - Apáczai Cs. J. utca - Petőfi tér - Belgrád rakpart - Eötvös tér - Roosevelt tér - Akadémia utca - Kossuth L. tér - Szalay utca - Balassi B. utca. - Széchenyi rakpart - Újpesti rakpart - Szent István park - Pesti alsó rakpart - TURNING POINT (at Dráva utca) - Pesti alsó rakpart - Eötvös téri drive up - Roosevelt tér - Lánchíd - Clark Á. tér - Fő utca - Jégverem utca - Bem rakpart - Halász utcai lehajtó - Budai alsó rakpart - TURNING POINT (at Margaret Bridge) - Lower quay of Buda - Lágymányosi híd drive up - Dombóvári út - Budafoki út - TURNING POINT (at Építész utca) - Budafoki út - Dombóvári út - Pázmány Péter sétány - Műegyetem rakpart - Bertalan Lajos utca - Budafoki út - Gellért tér - Szabadság híd (Szabadség Bridge)- Fővám tér - Sóház u. - Csarnok tér - Belgrád rakpart - Pesti alsó rakpart - TURNING POINT - Szent István park drive up - Újpesti rakpart - Széchenyi rakpart - Balassi B. utca - Szalay utca - Kossuth Lajos tér - Alkotmány utca - Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út - Nyugati tér overpass - Váci út - under Ferdinánd híd - Lehel út - Dózsa György út - Hősök tere - Kós Károly sétány - TURNING POINT (at Hermina út) - Kós Károly sétány - Hősök tere - Olof Palme sétány - 56-osok tere
24th Spar Budapest International Marathon
Budapest Marathon
Some photos:
23. Plus Budapest Marathon
Budapest Marathon photos story
Marathon Distance
For individual runners:
- Miles: 26 miles 385 yards, or exactly 267⁄32 miles)
- Kilometres: 42.195
Marathon Race Center
The race centre can be found on Felvonulási tér (next to Heroes' Square).You can get there on foot from Heroes' Square (Hősök tere). Opening hours
- 03 October 2009: from 11:00 am to 17:00 pm
- 04 October 2009: from 7:00 am to 9:45 am
Warning! There will be no safekeeping of any
objects in the race centre. Dressing rooms can be
reached by 5 minutes walk from here.
No start number picking up on other days!
Obtaining your start number is made easier if you
present the confirmation letter. Should you need more
help anyone of our staff will gladly assist you.
Picking up your start number
All start numbers must be acquired at the race centre on Felvonulási tér during opening hours. Tables will be divided according to your start number (example 4001-4090) so you can quickly select your table. Obtaining your start number is easier on presentation of the confirmation letter. Without confirmation letter ou can check your number on the startlist that will be set up at the race centre. In any case our staff will gladly assist you.
Start package
Besides your start number you will also get the start package, which includes a T-shirt with a unique logo, the race chip (for single and relay/ekiden marathon runners, plus Minimarathon runners), the Pasta Party ticket, a sponge for refreshment and on top of these the entry fee includes a medal, a finisher bag and a digital result booklet. Those who paid the original entry fee can enter the Széchenyi Bath after the race and use the thermal bath until 17.00 o'clock.
The single and relay/ekiden marathon times will be measured by ChampionChip system. If you have your own ChampionChip then you can submit its number to the entry personnel, at signing up, or at the latest when you acquire your start number.
For those who haven't got their own chip, there is a single chip provided for the race with your start number. The deposit fee for this chip is 1000 HUF. This deposit will be returned to you after the race, in exchange for the chip. Naturally if using your own chip you do not have to pay this deposit. We ask all runners to check their chips at the chip-control desk.
You must use chip on the race. You may not participate in the race without having one.
Attention: the chip cannot be used at any other races. The chip must be returned until 16.00 o'clock at the latest to specific tents assembled at the finish area, not the race centre. Please fasten the chip to your shoelaces. First you have to untie and remove your shoelaces, put your chip on it then tie it again. The Chip Controll personnel can show you how the chip should be fitted.
Dressing rooms, clothes deposit (gardrobes)
Paying the original entry fee means that you can change clothes at the Széchenyi Bath. Those male runners, who paid discount entry fee, have to use the dressing tent on Felvonulási tér. Changing rooms for all women will be in Széchenyi Bath.
Attention: the wardrobes can be found at a separate area inside the dressing rooms of Széchenyi Bath. Your clothes are kept at the clothes deposit not the dressing room. We take no responsibility for clothes or valuables left at the start/finish area or in dressing rooms.
Pasta party
The Pasta Party is held on Saturday, on 3 October 2009 from 14:00 pm to 17:30 pm, for which we provide tickets to all individual marathon and 30km runners and relay/ekiden marathon runners so everybody can load their muscles before the race. You get your ticket when you obtain your start number. Friends and relatives are also welcome to attend the party, the price of the ticket for them is 4 €/person or 800 HUF/person. Tickets can be bought at the race centre or in front of the Pasta Party tent.
Pasta Party will be held on Felvonulási tér (next to
Heroes' Square).
Marathon Mini Marathon Relay and Fun Run Start
Start gate will be set up on Heroes' Square (Hősök
tere) for all distances.
Starting times (times are subject to change!):
- 10.00 - Marathon and Marathon Relay/Ekiden start
- 10.15 - Mini marathon start
- 10.50 - Fun Run start
- approx. from 10.30 - 30 km start according to the runners personal speed. Start at 12 195 km of the marathon course.
The Heroes' Square is located about 1000 meters from the race centre. The start area will be divided separately according to planned race times. Runners must position themselves in the appropriate section. Sections of race time: -3:00, 3:00-3:30, 3:30-4:00, 4:00-4:30, 4:30-5:00 and 5:00+. Please start from the right section!!
Budapest Marathon Time Limits
The Budapest Marathon time limit is 5 hours and 30 minutes. The race will be followed by the closing bus which runners can get up on if they suffer an injury or are forced to give up. The closed roads will be opened after the time limit elapses, for this reason those who are caught up by the closing bus must get up on it. Runners who give up or suffer an injury will be transported back to the race centre by the bus. Please return your chip on the bus should this be the case. It is forbidden to keep running once the bus passes you because roads will be opened to traffic after the time limit. Part time limits:
- 10 km: 1h 18m
- 20 km: 2h 36m
- 30 km: 3h 55m
- 40 km: 5h 13m
Age limit: we accept entries from runners who were born before the 5th October 1991 (18 years old or older).
Asics pace makers
There will be Asics pace makers who run 3:30, 4:00 and 4:30 times to help amateurs better achieve their own planned time. Each time span will have two runners assigned to, with attached colour balloons so that they can be seen from a distance: 3:30 - red balloons, 4:00 - yellow balloons, 4:30 - blue balloons.
Refreshment stations
There will be twelve refreshment stations along the course, making sure you can acquire the necessary amount of liquid during the race. The first and last stations will only provide water while all other stations offer banana, lemon, glucose, isodrink and water. All stations supply water so you can wet your sponge while running. We ask all runners to keep their sponges with them until the end of the race.
- 4 km: At the corner of Nádor utca and Széchenyi utca
- 8 km: Széchenyi rakpart (Széchenyi quay) (under Margaret Bridge)
- 11.7 km: Garribaldi utca drive up
- 16.5 km: Halász utca drive up
- 20.1 km: Lower quay of Buda, a Pázmány sétány drive up
- 23.6 km: at the corner of Budafoki út and Építész utca
- 27.6 km: Pázmány sétány
- 31.1 km: MAHART International Landing Stage
- 33 km: Garribaldi utca drive up
- 36.1 km: Halász utca drive up
- 38.5 km: under the Ferdinánd Bridge
- 39.4 km: at the corner of Dózsa György út and Szabolcs utca
- 41.3 km: Beer Tent int he City Park
Toilets will be set up in the start/finish area and beside each refreshment station.
Personal refreshments
Runners may also use their own refreshments. Should you prefer these, please submit them at the race centre on 03 October 2009 at the desk where you pick up your start number or on 04 October 2009 from 7:30 am to 8:45 am.
Attention: we will provide blank stickers and markers so you can label your refreshments. Make sure you write your start number and station number on the label because without this information we cannot get it to the appropriate place for you. We cannot help in giving own refreshments to the runners. Unused bottles and containers of such will be disposed of after the race.
Firs Aid
First aid will be available from start to finish, at multiple locations throughout the course. These are: doctors on motorcycles, an ambulance that will follow behind the race, another ambulance will be ready at the Lánchíd (Chain Bridge) in the relay switch area, doctors will constantly circle up and down the course, and a final first aid station will be set up at the finish line.
Marathon Finish
The finish will be located near Olof Palme promenade (in City Park). Relay runners will have to enter a separate lane. All marathon and 30 km runners will receive a unique medal and a finisher bag upon crossing the finish line. The finish area is reserved only for runners and race staff - friends, relatives and other company may not enter this area. We ask all runners to return their chips to one of the collecting tents. There will be medal graving in the finish area in case you would like to have your name and time onto the medal.
Massage after the race
At the finish area, masseurs will be waiting for those who wish to relax their feet. The massage is free; its duration is about 10 minutes.
After the Marathon - Relaxing in the Széchenyi Bath
the original entry fee means that you are authorised to
have a rest in the Széchenyi Bath after the race (one of
Hungary's famous thermal baths). You may enter the bath
upon showing your start number. Entrance is on the
Circus side of the bath, next to the main entrance. We
kindly ask all our runners to take a quick shower before
using the Széchenyi Thermal Baths after the race, in
order to keep the water as clean as possible for the
fellow visitors. You can go to the bath till 17
Budapest Széchenyi Thermal Bath
Budapest Marthon Results
Net time is being measured by ChampionChip timing system. Results may be viewed on the race site from 10.00 PM in the evening on 7th September. We send digital result booklet to all half-marathon finishers (only single half-marathon runners) in October.
Budapest Nike Half Marathon Medal (2008)
Awards: there will be an absolute awarding system between half marathon and half marathon relay runners.
Important information
Please note: fair sportsman-like behaviour is expected of all participants. Please keep the marked route. The race number must be worn on the chest. There is no possibility for participation without chip. It is forbidden to participate in the race with skates, bicycles, dogs or other pets. Violation of these rules or not wearing a start number will result in exclusion from the race. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. Entries will be limited upon decision of the organiser. Entry forms will be dealt within the order of their incoming. Early submission of the entry forms will guarantee your participation in the marathon. Due to organizational reasons, payment of the registration fee by cheque is not possible. In case of double registration a handling fee of EUR 5 will be deducted from the amount to be refunded. Registered participants, who fail to take part in the race, for whatever reasons, may not claim a refund of the participation fee, but the registration will be valid for next year. Please make sure that your e-mail address is given correctly, otherwise it will be impossible to mail the confirmation.
Training opportunities
There are many places of training in Budapest. Let us recommend some of these to our runners: the most beautiful and most famous ones are Margaret Island and City Park (Városliget), others: Népliget Hármashatárhegy
Marathon in relay, Fun Run, Breakfast Run
* Run the Half Marathon in relay team! A race
for teams of 2 runners; the course, start location and
time are similar to the Half-Marathon. Distances for
teams of 2 members: 13.8 km - 7.3 km. Start: 10.00.
* Have you got a child? Fun Run was created for them:
3.5 km race. Start: 10.15.
* Don't miss the common training with your running mates
before the Half-Marathon! Breakfast Run on 6th September
on Margaret Island. Distance: 5.5 km. Start: 9 'o clock.
Race centre: Margaret Island Athletic Centre.
Spar Budapest International Marathon 2008
Budapest Marathon
More photos:
Budapest Marathon 2008
enjoy the running
Budapest Marathon official web
Come and see it all for yourself!
You can register:
Marathon in others country
Volkswagen Prague Marathon: Prague Marathon
Run in Budapest and Hungary
Other running events ultra marathons, marathon and
half marathon breakfast running images:
Run in Hungary