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Leírás | Maraton és félmaraton Marathon and Halfmarathon 1. VENUE maraton1 Ljubljana City centre and surrounding areas of the town. 2. DATE AND TIME OF THE EVENT Sunday, 28 October 2012. Starting time: 10:30 a.m. 3. ORGANIZER Ljubljana City Council. 4. CO-ORDINATOR TIMING Ljubljana 5. REGISTRATION Applicants should fill in the official registration form, stating: first name and family name of the participant, sex, date of birth, category, participant's address. The form should be filled out in a legible manner. Registration forms should be mailed to the following address: Organizacijski odbor 17. Ljubljanskega maratona, Timing Ljubljana, Staničeva 41,1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia before the stated deadline at the latest - 10.10.2012. Registration forms are available on this web site. Important: It shall not be possible to register after 10 October 2012. Unless the registration form is accompanied by proof of payment, it shall not be processed. The date of registration is considered to be the date of the payment of the entry fee. 6. ENTRY FEES 2012 In price is included single use chip. If participant has his own Championchip chip, than he doesn't pay single use chip in amount of 3 EUR. Entry fees for full marathon (42.195 m) and half-marathon (21.098 m): - Early bird payment by 31 August 2012 - 30 EUR - Payment between 1 and 30 September 2012 - 35 EUR - Payment between 1 and 10 October 2012 - 70 EUR. Payment details: Bank name: SKB d.d. Address: Ajdovščina 4 City: SI-1000 Ljubljana Country: Slovenia Account number - IBAN: SI56 0313 4100 7833 866, SWIFT (BIC): SKBASI2X Race times will be measured electronically, using a ChampionChip system. 7. COMPETITION CATEGORIES MARATHON (42.195 m)and HALF-MARATHON (21.098 m) - Starting time: 10:30 a.m.: Mmaraton2en A born 1994 - 1983: 18 to 29 years Men B born 1982 - 1978: 30 to 34 years Men C born 1977 - 1973: 35 to 39 years Men D born 1972 - 1968: 40 to 44 years Men E born 1967 - 1963: 45 to 49 years Men F born 1962 - 1958: 50 to 54 years Men G born 1957 - 1953: 55 to 59 years Men H born 1952 - 1948: 60 to 64 years Men I born 1947 - 1943: 65 to 69 years Men J born 1942 and earlier: over 70 years Women A born 1994 - 1983: 18 to 29 years Women B born 1982 - 1978: 30 to 34 years Women C born 1977 - 1973: 35 to 39 years Women D born 1972 - 1968: 40 to 44 years Women E born 1967 - 1963: 45 to 49 years Women F born 1962 - 1958: 50 to 54 years Women G born 1957 - 1953: 55 to 59 years Women H born 1952 - 1948: 60 to 64 years Women I born 1947 - 1943: 65 to 69 years Women J born 1942 and earlier: over 70 years 8. INSURANCE, LIABILITY AND HEALTH Every participant shall take part in the competition at his/her own risk. Medical help shall be available along the course and at the finish line. 9. COURSE LINE Route course is flat. All races start at Slovenska cesta and finish at Kongresni trg. The course will be run on the inner city streets and roads, and on the outskirts of Ljubljana. There are 4 water refreshments and 4 refreshment stations. Note: The marathon runners (42.195 m) who won’t finish first round in 2 hours and 15 minutes, will be redirected to halfmarathon (21.098 m). 10. AWARDS AND MONEY AWARDS maraton3 The three highest ranked competitors in each type of race and category shall receive medals; all who finish the 42,195 m marathon shall receive memorial testimonials stating their time, and honorary medals. The highest ranked invited competitors in absolute category for marathon (42.195 m) shall receive money awards. 11. AWARD CEREMONY Award ceremony shall take place only for the absolute achievements in male and female respective competitions in 42, 21 and 10 km runs. There will be separate award ceremonies for each single category. The three highest ranked competitors in each category can claim their awards at the information office at the end of the event. 12. GENERAL RULES AND CONDITIONS Standard rules and conditions of IAAF (International Athletic Federation) and AZS (Athletic Federation of Slovenia) shall apply. Information about the competition shall be available at Timing Ljubljana, Staničeva 41, 1000 Ljubljana, ph. +386 1 234 8000. Official results shall be published on this page. A committee shall be dealing with any complaints that may arise, on the day of the race at the secretariat on Kongresni trg. Written complaints should be submitted to the committee together with the deposit of 40 EUR. 17th Ljubljana Marathon Organizing Committee Zoran Janković (Mayor) |
Dátum | Vas, Október 28, 2012 |
Idõ | 10:30 CET |
Prioritás | 5-Közepes |
Hozzáférés | Nyilvános |
Létrehozta | Futas Administrator |
Frissítve | Csü, Október 25, 2012 04:42 GMT |
Megjegyzések | Nincs |