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Leírás | RULES OF THE 13th CRACOVIA MARATHON I. PATRONAGE AND ORGANIZERS 1. The 13th Cracovia Marathon is organized by the Municipality of Krakow - Sports Infrastructure Management Board in Krakow II. DATE AND PLACE 1. The 13th Cracovia Marathon will be held on 18 May 2014. 2. The start will take place at the Main Square of Krakow at 9:30 a.m. 3. The finish of the Marathon shall be located at the Main Square of Krakow. 4. The route of the Marathon is 42.195 km long. 5. Competitors shall stand at the start according to the following precedence: a. wheelchair competitors, b. competitors with race numbers 1 to 50, and behind them other race participants in the start zones according to their registration-declared time. 6. The course will have every individual kilometre marked: from 1 to 42. 7. Hydration stations will be located every 5 kilometres. On the first table there will be cups with still mineral water, on the second table cups with isotonic drink, and fruit will be put on the third one. The tables will be located every 10 metres. Note! The organizer does not accept competitors' private food supplements. 8. Freshen-up stations will be located every 5 km, starting from the 7.5th kilometre, and they will be equipped with fresh water bowls and cups with still mineral water on the tables. 9. Medical assistance points will be located behind every hydration station and will be staffed by paramedics. Behind the medical assistance points there will be toilet cabins located. III. TERMS OF PARTICIPATION 1. The 13th Cracovia Marathon is open to people who are at least 18 years old as of 18 May 2014. 2. The prerequisite to enter the 13 Cracovia Marathon is the application of competitor submitted until 17 May 2014 at 8:00 p.m. at the latest. 3. During competitors packages reception, participants are required to sign a declaration that they are aware of the risks that may arise in connection with the start in the 13th Cracovia Marathon, and that they are healthy enough to participate in this race. In the event of any doubts about one's health and thus the possibility to enter the marathon, the competitor is obliged to seek on his/her own a doctor's opinion before entering the event. 4. During the 13th Cracovia Marathon, the measurement of time and determination of start sequence will be carried out by an electronic time measurement system. Each competitor will be given a verification chip built into the race number; correct fixing of this chip is a prerequisite to entry the marathon and to be ranked in the final communication of the race. 5. Competitor will be ranked on the condition that he/she runs the entire approved marathon course and completes the race within the stipulated time of 6 hours. Competitors who shorten their route will be disqualified. Competitors who do not finish the race until 3:30 p.m. are required to stop running and can get to the finish in the vehicle signed "The End of the Marathon". Whoever remains on the course after that time, will bear their own responsibility in accordance with applicable traffic rules and provisions of the Civil Code. 6. During the race, participants are required to adhere to the instructions of the people responsible for safety, event safety services, and people acting on behalf of the organizer. 7. It is prohibited to use any vehicles during the race, except those used by disabled competitors in wheelchairs and the vehicles of the Organizer. Participation with animals is not allowed either. 8. Cloakroom and storage of clothing will be located in the area of the finish, and will be used for depositing personal belongings packed into bags (provided by the organizer upon verification of competitors). Cloakroom and luggage storage will be open on May 18, at 7.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. The bags will be given out of the deposit upon presentation of the race number. In the event the race number is lost by competitor, the organizer is released from the liability for the bag taken out by another person. 9. Competitors agree to the processing of their personal data for organizer's internal purposes, and to the use of their image in the information, marketing and promotional materials of the event. 10. It is prohibited to entry the race when being drunk or intoxicated with other abusive substances. 11. The Organizer does not insure race participants against the risk of accident. 12. If a competitor hands over his/her race number to another person, this will result in disqualification of that competitor. 13. Competitors disqualified in other running events do not have the right to participate in the Cracovia Marathon, until the expiry of their respective disqualification. IV. APPLICATIONS AND ENTRY FEE 1. Applications of participation in the 13th Cracovia Marathon are being received: a. on the Cracovia Marathon website until Tuesday 13 May 2014, 3:30 p.m. at the latest, b. in the Office of the Race on 16 and 17 May. 2. Verification of competitors, and distribution of competitor packages together with race numbers, as well as receiving additional applications, will be held at the Office of the Race. Competitor packages are to be received by competitors in person. The packages shall be given out upon presentation of an ID or passport with a proof of payment of entry fee (the proof of payment should be furnished by non-verified competitors). However, it is allowed to receive the competitor package on behalf of other person upon a statement signed by that competitor, comprising his/her forename and surname, and identity document numbers of the authorized person and the person giving the authorization, along with a photocopy of ID of the person giving the authorization. 3. The Office of the Race will be located in the Henryk Reyman City Stadium ("Wisła Krakow" Stadium) at Reymonta 22 Street. Open on: 15.05.2014 within 12:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. 16.05.2014 within 12:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. 17.05.2014 within 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. 18.05.2014 within 6:00 a.m.-7:30 p.m. 4. Application shall be considered made upon duly completed electronical application form, signed statement in the Race Office and payment of the entry fee (except those who are exempted from the entry fee). 5. Entry fee is: PLN 63 until 31.10.2013, PLN 73 on 1.11.2013 - 31.12.2013, PLN 93 on 01.01 - 28.02.2014, PLN 113 on 01.03 - 13.05.2014, PLN 153 on 15, 16 and 17.05.2014 - in the Race Office 50% discount for people over 65 years of age 50% discounts for the winners of the Crown of Polish Marathons 20% discount for Krakow Family Card holders - during the verification in the Office of the Race, one should present his/her valid Krakow Family Card with an identity document. 6. On the date of the Race, at 6.00-7.30 p.m. the Office of the Race only distributes competitor packages. It will not be possible to register and pay the entry fee at that moment. 7. The entry fee should be paid in: a. to the bank account until 14 May 2014. b. in the Office of the Race on 15, 16 and 17 May 2014. People wishing to obtain a VAT invoice should send, within 4 days from the date of payment, their data with the proof of payment to the organizer's e-mail addres: 8. Account number: Recipient (Organizer of the Cracovia Marathon): Sports Infrastructure Management Board in Krakow, Walerego Slawka 10 Street, 30-633 Krakow Bank Pekao S.A. o/Krakow PL 19 1240 4432 1111 0010 2296 0013 SWIFT: PKOPPLPW Transfer title: "Cracovia Marathon entry fee for ...." - enter competitor's name instead of the dots. 9. The entry fee: a. Once paid and overpaid fee will be not returned, under no circumstances. b. Incorrect payments - without identifiable data of the competitor specified, or without full amounts, the fee shall not be accepted and returned. c. The fee may not be assigned to another competitor, and will not be returned. d. The fee may not be transferred to the next edition or other event. e. Payments made by wire transfer after 13.05.2014 will not be accepted. Surcharge must be paid in at the cashier's office in the Office of the Race. f. For the date of payment shall be the date of receipt of the organizer's account. 10. The following participants are exempted from paying the entry fee: - who have completed twelve editions of the Cracovia Marathon, - disabled, - invited by the Marathon Director - guides of the blind - pacemakers. 11. Within the entry fee, each participant receives a competitor package comprising: - race number with safety pins, - shirt, - bag for belongings to the deposit + sticker for the bag, - information materials. Also: - free admission to the Pasta Party, - option for free accommodation, - option to use showers and massage after the race, - energy meal after the race. V. STANDINGS 1. The following classification will be kept in the 13th Cracovia Marathon: a. General: Women and Men a. Age categories of Women and Men W 18-29 M 18-29 W 30-39 M 30-39 W 40-49 M 40-49 W 50-59 M 50-59 W 60-69 M 60-69 W 70 and older M 70 and older c. Disabled competitors open, in the categories of women and men on the following wheelchairs: • HAND BIKE • RIM PUSH • ACTIVE WHEELCHAIR d. Eyesight disability competitors open, in the categories of women and men: • Category B1 - 100% blind persons with a guide, • Category B2 - visually impaired and partially sighted people using the help of another person (guide) or participating on their own. Competitors must provide current proof of eyesight disability e.g. a membership card of Polish Association of the Blind or card of the Local Family Assistance Center, or decision on granting 1st or 2nd disability group related to eyesight disability. Due to the fact that the above-mentioned documents do not specify that there is 100% loss of vision, and in order to be allowed to run in the B1 category, competitors in this category are required to submit a statement of 100% loss of vision. 3. Eyesight disabled participants are required to make a declaration upon the registration that they are aware of the risks that may arise out in connection with their participation in the marathon race, and that they are healthy enough to participate in the race. In the event of any doubts about one's health and thus the possibility to enter the race, the competitor is obliged to seek on his/her own a doctor's opinion before entering the event. VI. PRIZES 1. Each competitor that completes the race within the stipulated time limit will be granted a commemorative medal. 2. Prizes funded by sponsors of the marathon in general categories of women and men: 1st position – PLN 20 000 2nd position – PLN 15,000 3rd position – PLN 10,000 4th position – PLN 8,000 5th position – PLN 6,000 6th position – PLN 4,000 3. Moreover, there is a prize of PLN 10,000 for breaking the record of the Cracovia Marathon. Current records are currently as follows: 2:11:26 - men, and 2:28:14 – women. 4. In the age categories of women and men, there will be prizes in kind valued as follows: 1st position – PLN 700 2nd position – PLN 600 3rd position – PLN 500 5. Competitors who are awarded in general standings will also be awarded in age categories. 6. In addition: The following competitors will be awarded the City of Krakow Cups: - winners of the three first positions in the general categories of men and women - winners of the three first positions among the disabled in all categories b) The following will be awarded statuettes funded by the City of Krakow : - winners in each individual age category in the marathon race. 7. Value of the prizes in the categories for the disabled, funded by marathon sponsors in general standings of men and women. The organizer reserves the right to award competitors in this category also below 3rd position. SOON a. Hand Bike b. Rim Push c. Active Wcheelchair d. Open category of competitors with eyesight disability in the categories of women and men: • Category B1 - 100% blind persons with a guide • Category B2 - visually impaired and partially sighted people using the help of another person (guide) or participating on their own. 8. The prerequisite to be awarded the prizes is to complete the race and obtain negative result of antidoping test. Pursuant to applicable rules of law, personal income tax shall be deducted from the prizes. 9. Prizes in the general standings will be paid to the account specified by the competitor as soon as the results of antidoping test are available. 10. Prizes in kind not received during the awarding ceremony may be received in the organizer's principal office within a month from the event, after prior contacting the organizer. 11. Additional prizes funded by the sponsor of the 13th Cracovia Marathon: a. for the fastest female resident of Krakow - resident of Krakow, a woman registered for permanent residence in Krakow as of the date of registration to the event, who has completed the race a. for the fastest male resident of Krakow - resident of Krakow, a man registered for permanent residence in Krakow as of the date of registration to the event, who has completed the race c. for the oldest runner – the oldest person, by year of birth stated in the registration form, who has completed the race VII. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Entry fee covers also accommodation in a sports hall. Players should have their own sleeping pads and sleeping bags. 2. Competitors applying for accommodation in the hall will be received there on 17 May, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.. Participants of the 13th Cracovia Marathon, who attend the sports hall without prior registration of that need, in the night before the competition, will be directed for accommodation according to actual vacancies available. 3. The Organizer shall provide free accommodation and meals within the entry fee to competitors registered by 30.04.2014, who are granted champion class (M-class) under the rules of Polish Association of Athletics (PZLA), or those who in 2012-2014 in the events covered by the calendar of the IAAF , EAA or PZLA gained results respectively below 2:11:30 for men and below 2:32:00 for women. 4. The "Pasta Party" will be held on May 17th at 2:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. in the area of Marathon Town. Admission free for each verified participant of the marathon. 5. As in previous years, the Organizer strives to obtain public transport discounts. Any information about positive result of these attempts will be published on the website. VIII. FINANCING 1. Costs of organizing the 13th Cracovia Marathon are covered by: Municipality of Krakow, Sponsors and Partners. IX. FINAL PROVISIONS 1. Participants of the 13th Cracovia Marathon must adhere to the regulations of Polish Athletics Association, IAAF, and to these Rules. 2. During the race, competitors must have their race numbers provided by the organizer pinned to the shirt front, in the center of the chest. Covering the race number in whole or in part is prohibited under penalty of disqualification. 3. During the 13th Cracovia Marathon antidoping testing will be carried out. 4. The organizer does not provide wheelchairs, equipment necessary for the disabled participants, and technical support for wheelchair participants. 5. The Office of the Race receives written protests with deposit of PLN 100 paid in, by 4:00 pm. on the day of the event at the latest. The deposit will be returned if the complaint is resolved in favour of the competitor. 6. Director of the 13th Cracovia Marathon reserves the right to make changes in these Rules, and he is obliged to announce those changes before the event. 7. Receipt of the competitor package is tantamount to acceptance of the rules of the race. |
Helyszín | Krakkó |
Dátum | Vas, Május 18, 2014 |
Prioritás | 5-Közepes |
Hozzáférés | Nyilvános |
Létrehozta | Futas Administrator |
Frissítve | Pé, November 22, 2013 17:43 GMT |
Megjegyzések | Nincs |