Rajt:Cél: Dobogókői, báró Eötvös Loránd Menedékház (előtt)
Gyalogos adatok Indítás: 9:30 óra Nevezési díj: 1400 Ft/fõ Táv (terepen): 27.6 km Szint (terepen): 1420 m Szintidõ: 5 óra MTSZ pontszám: MTSZ 70 pont
Hegyi férfi és női fél maratoni
2013.11.23 Nappal Futó
Rajt:Cél: Dobogókői, báró Eötvös Loránd Menedékház (előtt)
Indítás: 10:00 óra Nevezési díj: 1400 Ft/fõ Táv (terepen): 16.7 km Szint (terepen): 850 m Szintidõ: 4 óra MTSZ pontszám: MTSZ 42 pont
Oklevél Ivóvíz a rajtnál Ivóvíz a célnál
Hegyi férfi és női fél maratoni (külön értékelve)
Táv a pontok között légvonalban: 16,7km, és a logikus útvonalon mérve: 21,6 km.
Szintidő: 4 óra (férfiak), 5 óra (nők).
Dr. Somogyvári Károly hegyi férfi és női kis maratoni
2013.11.23 Nappal Futó
Rajt:Cél: Dobogókői, báró Eötvös Loránd Menedékház (előtt)
Indítás: 10:30 óra Nevezési díj: 1000 Ft/fõ Táv (terepen): 12.8 km Szint (terepen): 420 m Szintidõ: 4 óra MTSZ pontszám: MTSZ 27.5 pont
Oklevél Ivóvíz a rajtnál Ivóvíz a célnál
Dr. Somogyvári Károly hegyi férfi és női kis maratoni. (külön értékelve)
Szintidő: 3 óra (férfiak), 3,5 óra (nők).
Táv a pontok között légvonalban: 12,8km, és a logikus útvonalon mérve: 15,2 km.
XVIII. ker., Bókay-kert
Magyar Hegyi – és Terepfutó Szövetség
Próbáld ki a Mezeifutó Magyar Bajnokság pályáját:
indulj a 6km-es nyílt versenyen, és nyerd meg a 4 db Salomon terepfutó cipő egyikét!
Kategóriák: női férfi, U20, 20-40, 40 felett
Táv: kb. 6 km– 4 kör egy kb. 1500m-es pályán (rÉSzletek, nevezés, pályarajz: WWW.MAHFUSZ.HU)
Time limit
The time limit to finish the race (42,194 km) is 6 hours. The time limit to pass the half-marathon point (km 21,097 km) is 3 hours. The time limit at the 30 kmsignpost is 4h.15. Athletes running at more than 8'30 minutes per km must observe the highway code.
Route length: 42,195 km
Date and time The Marathonwill take place on Sunday, 24 November 2013, starting at 9.15a.m.(subject to TV and broadcasting requirements).
Participation and enrolment
Athletes wishing to participate must:
- be 20 years of age by the date of the event
- be members of a national federation affiliated with IAAF, or in possession of a medical certificate of fitness for competitive sports valid for 24 November 2013
What you need to enroll
- entry form
- payment
- membership card, or medical certificate of fitness for competitive sports
How to enroll
- on line on our websitewww.firenzemarathon.it(payment only with credit card without commission)
- on line on the Activeeurope circuit (www.activeeurope.com, only with credit card)
- mail to FIRENZE MARATHON, VIALE M. FANTI 2, 50137 FIRENZE, enclosing evidence of payment, medical certificate and/or membership card
Enrollments must be made by 15 November 2013. The date of payment will bear witness. Participation will, however, be denied to athletes who have not enrolled and/or do not possess the required medical certificates and/or do not possess membership cards and/or do not produce evidence of payment made.
How to pay
Enrollment should be made and the fee paid in one of the following ways:
- credit card (online or directly to our office in Viale M. Fanti 2, 50137 Florence)
- banker's order to IBAN: IT 12 P 01030 02845 000000908823BIC: PASCIT M 1 W 19
Tariffs for the 2013 Marathon:
From 1st February
to 30 June 2013 From 1st July
to 30 September 2013 From 1st October
to 31 October 2013
From 1st November
to 15 NOvember
€40 €50 €60 €70
Fee for non-reconsignment of chip: € 20
Registration fee for disabled athletes is €35. The Spinal Unit Sports Group will reimburse the enrollment fee to athletes in the Handbike and Wheelchair categories and to those with totally impaired vision who complete the race.
Start numbers and confirmation of enrolment
Start numbers will be assigned taking into account both:
- the moment of enrolment/payment (for enrollments other than on-line, the date of payment shown on the receipt forwarded to Firenze Marathon bears witness)
- the best time registered during the last two years in an official marathon (42,195 km), that can be communicated on the enrolment form. If no time is mentioned on the form, the organizers will assign a start number following the usual criterion. The organizers reserve the right to verify the time declared by an athlete and to change the start number assigned should there be any discrepancy
For enrollments received after 1 October 2013, the Organization cannot guarantee that race numbers will be in the category of entitlement. A change of number may only be possible if documentation certifying the time of performance is presented. In the absence of documentation no change of grid will be allowed.
Start Numbers
Race numbers assigned may not for any reason be exchanged with those of other athletes. The number must be attached to the front of the garment worn for the race and must be perfectly visible. Neither the number nor the logo of the sponsor should be covered up (penalty of disqualification).For those who have enrolled before 30 September, numbers can be personalized with first name and surname.
Confirmation letter
Only after all the requested documentation has been received before 15 November will a letter of confirmation be sent via e-mail. It can be sent from the website www.firenzemarathon.it under the heading “Check your enrolment”. This letter should be printed at the expense of the athlete and presented to the Firenze Marathon Expo at the moment of checking in for the start number.
In case of non-participation
Should an athlete be unable to participate in the Marathon, the enrollment fee cannot be refunded. However, there are two possibilities :
- To transfer the enrollment to the XXXI Florence Marathon 2014, subject to a small supplement of €20 for secretariat fees and on the condition that the Organizers receive written communication to this effect before 20 November 2013.The possibility of re-enrolling the following year can only be made once, and this transfer cannot be used against any other other reductions.
- To transfer the enrollment to another person, subject to a supplement of €20 for secretariat fees, and on the condition that the Organizers receive written communication by 20 November 2013 together with the letter of confirmation received. The new entry taking the place of the athlete unable to participate must supply all personal information and memberships, etc. in the same way as a new enrollment. A new start number will be supplied. The possibility of transferring an enrollment is valid only for the 2013 edition of the Marathon, and in any case this transfer cannot be used against any other reductions.
Time limit
The time limit to finish the race (42,194 km) is 6 hours. The time limit to pass the half-marathon point (km 21,097 km) is 3 hours. The time limit at the 30 kmsignpost is 4h.15. Athletes running at more than 8'30 minutes per km must observe the highway code.
Timing and chips
Timing is carried out using the microchip Timing Data Service which permits recording of the actual time taken. Chips are strictly personal and must not be exchanged. “Real time” begins at the moment the athlete passes the departure line and finishes on the line of completion of the route. The intermediary times (at 5, 10, 15, 21,097, 25, 35 and 40 kms) for each athlete will also be recorded will also be recorded and other spot checks will be carried out to guarantee correct classification.
NO CHIP, NO TIME! Chips are inserted in the race number bib inside an adhesive envelope and must not be removed (penalty exclusion from classification). Chips should be returned to the Organizers manning the stalls in the arrival area (Via de’Benci) also those of athletes who have not taken part in the race. Athletes who withdraw during the race can return their chip to staff at the refreshment points along the route.
N.B. Chips are only in use for the Florence Marathon for which they have been programmed.
Failure to return a chip will be considered a debt toward the Organization, and will be debited to the athlete on registration the following year. In the case of non-participation or withdrawal from the Marathon, the chip should be mailed within 15 days to FIRENZE MARATHON, Viale M. Fanti 2, 50137, Florence, Italy. Should a chip go lost, a fee of €20 reimbursement must be paid by postal order to FIRENZE MARATHON, account N° 1822914.
Results will be sent via sms and e-mail ; participants will receive their recorded time by sms and e-mail.
Gates and start procedures
The start of the Marathon will be at 9.15a.m., but may possibly be a few minutes earlier or later, subject to TV and broadcasting requirements. Entry to the gates assigned is from 8.00a.m.until 8.45a.m.The meeting point in the start area in Lungarno Pecori Giraldi is open from 7.30a.m.All athletes should be ready in the start area by 8.45a.m.Differently able athletes will start at 9.10a.m.Athletes should only enter the gate corresponding to their race number, from 8.00a.m.until 8.45a.m.Latecomers will be invited to access the last gate at the end.Athletes may only access the gate to which they have been assigned according to their race bib number. Those who wish to access a different departure area may only do so from an area reserved for runners with a higher number (and not vice versa). Once they have entered the departure area, they will not be allowed to leave it before the start of the race.
Cloakroom Service
The cloakroom service will be located at the Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia in the apposite spaces divided in different groups corresponding to start numbers (available from 7.00a.m.). Only bags provided by the Organization, and marked with the appropriate adhesive of your start bib number, will be accepted. Bags handed in will be deposited in the dedicated area by our personnel. The cloakroom area must not be used as a changing room. Do not leave any valuables in the cloakroom area as the Organization cannot accept responsibility in case of theft. We advise you to put on old clothes (that can be discarded before the start) on top of those in which you will run. The Organization will supply a plastic material mantle for protection in case of rain or high wind.
Changing rooms
Gazebos fitted out as changing rooms are available at Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, near the cloakroom area from 7.00a.m.until 4.00p.m.
Prize awards
On the podium: the first 3 men and the first 3 women to finish the Marathonwill receive awards. Also athletes in the Handbike, Wheelchair, Tetraplegic and Paraplegic categories
Photographic rights
By signing the registration form of the 30thFlorence Marathon participants, as of that moment, authorize the Organization to freely use still or moving images of the athletes taken on the occasion of participation in Florence Marathon. This authorization for the use of photographic materials is not bound by any time or geographic limits worldwide, and images can be used in publications and films including, only as by way of example, and not to be considered as limiting its use in any way, promotional material and/or publicity usable with any support.
The Organization can, furthermore, cede to third parties who may be its institutional or commercial partners, the right of use of images as foreseen in this agreement.
Declaration of responsibility
By signing the registration form, the athlete declares to be aware of and to accept the Regulations of the XXX Florence Marathon, as published on its website www.firenzemarathon.itand to be 20 years of age by 24 November 2013. The athlete furthermore expressly states under her/his responsibility, not only to have declared the truth (Article 2, law 04/01/1968 N° 15, modified by Article 3 comma 10 law 15/05/1997N° 127) but also to exonerate the Organizers of all responsibility, both civil and penal, for injury to persons or damage to things caused by or to her/him .
Informative Report Article 13 DLGS 196/2003 – Protection of privacy
Click here for information regarding agreement to use of personal information
Final warning
The Organization of the Florence Marathon reserves the right to modify the present regulations at any moment in order to guarantee an optimum organization of the race. Any possible modifications regarding services, places and times will be properly communicated to enrolled athletes via confirmation letter or will be consultable on the website www.firenzemarathon.it
Vasárnapi 5K fuás a Duna parton
A dátum: 2013 november 24 10:30
Helyszín: XXIII. Meddőhányó utcánál a kerékpárút. (Oázis kertészettől a Duna part irányába!)
2-ik alkalommal 5 kilométeres futást tartunk a Duna parton ezúttal hidegben!
Fiúk,lányok,gyerekek és felnőttek is indulhatnak!
A rajt-cél zóna a szokásos helyen lesz, az útvonal is hasonló az eddigiekhez!
Frissítő a célban megvárható :)
A nevezèsi díj 500 Forint, ha annyira mègsem lesz hideg!
Ezt az összeget fák ültetèsère fordítjuk a Duna parti bicikli út mentèn!
Ha hideg lesz, akkor nincsen nevezési díj!
Várunk szeretettel!
2013. november 24. vasárnap
Hosszú táv: 19.5 km Rajt:11:00
Rövid táv: 4.7 km Rajt:11:10
Ovis futás: 200 m Rajt:13:00
Előnevezés Térkép
Versenyközpont: Kistarcsa, Kölcsey Ferenc utca, Simándy József Általános Iskola GPS 47.5452, 19.2651
Nevezés: 9:00 - 10:30, a versenyközpontban
Eredményhirdetés és sorsolás: 13:30
Korcsoportok (női és férfi):
19.5 km: 11-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-99 év
4.7 km: 6-10, 11-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-99 év
Előnevezés nov. 22-ig: 18 éves korig 600,- Ft 18 éves kor felett 1200,- Ft
Helyszíni nevezés: 18 éves korig 800,- Ft 18 éves kor felett 1600,- Ft
Spuri kártyával 20%, fogyatékkal élőknek 50% kedvezmény
Kistarcsai diákoknak és Futapest klubtagoknak ingyenes
Pálya: Mezei és erdei utak. Szintkülönbség: 320 m a hosszú, 90 m a rövid távon.
Frissítőállomás: a hosszútáv 4. és 12. km-nél
Megközelítés autóval: GPS 47.5452, 19.2651
HÉV indul az Örs vezér térről 8:26, 8:56, 9:26, 9:56 órakor; Kistarcsa HÉV megállótól gyalog 500 méter
Támogatók: Kistarcsa Önkormányzata, Dymol Kft.
Rendező: Futapest Klub