The Bank of America Chicago Marathon is the pinnacle of achievement for elite athletes and everyday runners alike. On Sunday, October 13, 2013, runners from all 50 states and more than 100 countries will set out to accomplish a personal dream by reaching the finish line in Grant Park.
Bank of America Chicago Marathon
Health & Fitness Expo
The Bank of America Chicago Marathon Health & Fitness Expo features more than 200 health
and fitness industry exhibitors offering Bank of America Chicago Marathon merchandise and
the latest in running footwear, apparel, nutrition and technology. The Health & Fitness Expo is
free and open to the public.
McCormick Place, North Building, Hall B1
2301 S. Martin Luther King Dr.*
Chicago, IL 60616
*For driving, parking and public transportation purposes, use the above address for the best access to the Health & Fitness
Expo and nearby parking options. The publicly listed mailing address for McCormick Place (2301 S. Lake Shore Dr.) is not
useful for parking or GPS guidance devices.
McCormick Place is the largest convention center in North America to be certified with a new international
sustainable standard. This certification was introduced in 2012 to promote responsible environmental and social
practices in the event industry.
Health & Fitness Expo hours
Friday, October 11
9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Saturday, October 12
9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
For a list of Bank of America Chicago Marathon Health & Fitness Expo exhibitors, go to
Main Stage presentations
To view a complete schedule of events for the Bank of America Chicago Marathon Health &
Fitness Expo Main Stage. Plan your visit to
the Health & Fitness Expo around the opportunity to learn more about the course, learn last-
minute tips, see the latest in running gear and technology, and hear from industry experts and
special guests.
Volkswagen Course Talks
Volkswagen will help you beat your personal best at the Bank of America
Chicago Marathon with VW Course Talks. Learn about Aid Stations,
mile markers and additional course details to help you prepare for race
day. Presentation times and speaker information will be posted on the
schedule near the Health & Fitness Expo Main Stage.
Nike Pace Team
The Nike Pace Team will help you set the pace on race day. Nike Pace
Team leaders—nearly 100 experienced marathon runners—will run
according to the following finish time goals:
3:00, 3:05, 3:10, 3:15, 3:20, 3:25, 3:30, 3:35, 3:40, 3:45, 3:50, 3:55, 4:00, 4:10, 4:25, 4:30, 4:40,
4:55, 5:00, 5:10, 5:25 and 5:45
Visit the Nike Pace Team booth at the Bank of America Chicago Marathon Health & Fitness
Expo for more information and to sign up to be part of a pace group. Nike Pace Team leaders
will be available to talk about race day strategy, how to locate your group within the Start
Corrals, and to answer general questions about the Nike Pace Team.
Upon joining a Nike Pace Team, you will receive a pace bib to wear on your back during
the race that will indicate your pace group (e.g. 4:00) and identify you as a member of the
Nike Pace Team. There is no cost to participate. Sign-up is available only at the Health &
Fitness Expo.
Pace times are limited to Start Corral assignments. Your Start Corral assignment may not
allow you direct access to a particular Pace Team.
Health & Fitness Expo transportation
Free shuttle bus service
Free shuttle bus service to the Health & Fitness Expo will be provided to and from the
following four locations:
Downtown: Hilton Chicago, 720 S. Michigan Ave. (8th St. entrance)
South Loop: CTA Red Line Stop serving Red, Orange and Green lines, State St. and
Roosevelt Rd.
Magnificent Mile: Nike Chicago, 669 N. Michigan Ave., behind the store to the east
on St. Clair St. at Erie St.
Millennium Park: Fairmont Chicago, 200 N. Columbus Dr., Columbus Dr. one block
south of Wacker Dr.
Shuttles will operate every 15 – 20 minutes between 8:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. on Friday,
October 11, and 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 12. The final pick-up time from
the Health & Fitness Expo will be at 8:30 p.m. on Friday and 6:30 p.m. on Saturday.
Nearly 50,000 visitors took advantage of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon Health & Fitness Expo
shuttle service in 2012. Taking the free shuttle is a great way to make your trip to the Health & Fitness Expo more sustainable.
2013. október 13., vasárnap 9.00
Nevezés 8-9 óra között, a Tüdőgyógyintézet előtt,
A rajt 9.00 és 9.30 között.
2007 és 2010 között születetteknek 0.7 km
2006 és 2003 között születetteknek 1.4 km
2002 és 1999 között születetteknek 2.3 km
1998 és 1995 között születetteknek 5.0 km,
1994-ben vagy korábban született nőknek 5.0 km
férfiaknak (a szintidő: 60 perc!) 7.5 km
Az 1963-ban vagy az előtt született hölgyek és urak senior kategóriában versenyeznek.
Az útvonalak térképvázlatát a helyszínen és a oldalon tekinthetik meg az indulók. Felvezető kerékpárosok, és időszakos forgalomlezárás biztosítja a pontos és biztonságos útvonalkövetést.
Nevezési díj diákoknak 200 Ft, felnőtteknek 400 Ft, mellyel a verseny lebonyolítási költségeihez járulnak hozzá az indulók.
Minden korosztályban (nemek szerint) az első három helyezett részesül díjazásban.
Azon célba érkezők között, akik a saját koruknak megfelelő távot teljesítik és megvárják a sorsolást, egy trekking kerékpárt sorsolunk ki!
Fontos! A torlódás elkerülése érdekében, időben kell jönni nevezni! Esőnap nincs, tehát esernyőt, esőkabátot hozzon magával mindenki!
Szervező: Kerekdomb Környezetvédelmi Egyesület
28. Spar Budapest Nemzetközi Maraton 42,2 km
28. Spar Budapest Nemzetközi Maraton 30 km
28. Spar Budapest Nemzetközi Maraton 4 fős staféta
28. Spar Budapest Futófesztivál - Minimaraton
28. Spar Budapest Futófesztivál - Maratonka, Gyaloglás, Családi Futás
Rendező: BSI
A Budapest Maraton korábbi éveinek képei, videói: